
Bad Blogger

I feel like I have been a bad blogger lately... and I have only been doing this for a few weeks. Hmm, not the best start, but I believe I may have mentioned this topic before.

Anyhoo, back to my life. It has been crazy. CRA-ZY. A pre-k wrap up, camp plans, pre-school plans for one, big kid school for another, a trip to Maryland to visit family (promise to post on that this week) and prepping for a trip to Disney next week. And did I mention I need to get some work done too? Ugh.

So needless to say I am a bit behind on the "little" things like relaxing and writing and getting some sun. I am also trying to redo my office on a shoe string (no!) budget. Again, I am sure it will be the topic of a future post.

Really just wanted to stop in and say hello. Hope your week is a bit calmer than mine.


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