
Mother's Day

As I sit here eating dinner (finally - I am starving!!) by myself (since the rest of the clan ate hours ago) I find myself thinking about Mother's Day and what I would really like to receive. After pondering a day at the spa, something shiny or perhaps some great new purse, I have settled on one thing: time.

Time is really what I am lacking in my life. I feel so fulfilled with my work and family, my friends and my hobbies. I live near the ocean and can listen to surf whenever I please. I have a house I am comfortable in that even has a place just for me to sew and create in.

The problem is I feel like I don't have the time to enjoy my life. Work is so demanding, the kids are so busy, the house is always a mess and the laundry keeps piling up. I could really use a few more hours in the week that were just for me. I promise to use them wisely - to spend some of them on keeping my life in order, some of them flexing my creative muscles and some of them simply enjoying the blessings I am so lucky to have.

If any of you know where I can find these precious hours, please let me know. I promise to make you something fabulous as a thank you :)


Unknown said...

I am still looking for those hours myself hun.
Hope you have a great Mother's day

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